Published Articles

Aviation Security: Why I Will Be Scared This Year
Catchy title?
Yes, I am more afraid in 2015 than I have been in years. But afraid of what? Am I afraid of ISIS/ISIL? AQAP? Al Shabaab? Al Qaeda? Al Nusra? Lone wolf terrorists?
No. Not afraid of any of them. That does not mean I do not consider them dangerous, they are. That does not mean I do not consider them evil, they are. That does not mean that I think we ought to ease up on any of them, we should not.
What I fear is this

How Industry and Media Drive U.S. Aviation Debate
When I was President of Airports Council International – North America (ACI-NA) from 2005-2013, I spent a great deal of time trying to interest the media and policy makers in the issues of how airports were funded and financed, how they were run and so on. It was a constant struggle. The funding and financing structure was out of date and inadequate to modern times? Who cares! Too hard to explain! Boring!