Published Articles

Brexit US Aviation: What is the Impact?
I was originally scheduled to write a follow up to an earlier post on the increasing challenges airports are facing in attracting and retaining talent. This is an important issue, and it is the subject that is likely to occupy much of an airport executive's time and thoughts when he or she has a few moments and can think about almost anything (I always say that the best clue to what is important to you is what you think about when you can think about anything at all). And I know from experience that the search for talent is a subject very likely to be discussed when airport executives are having a drink together. But given the recent Brexit vote, and the Istanbul attack, I decided the talent piece could wait until after the summer.

Aviation Security: An Update
When I wrote the aviation security post last year I had several people suggest to me that I was maybe a bit too glib - too willing to take risks. Some suggested I may not have learned enough from past terrorist attacks.
In the wake of the Paris attacks, the San Bernardino, California attacks, attacks in Turkey and elsewhere I am guessing some of the same people may wonder if I would like to take back anything I said in the original piece.
I'm sorry to disappoint, but if anything I believe the past year has only gone to further prove my point.

Aviation Security: Why I Will Be Scared This Year
Catchy title?
Yes, I am more afraid in 2015 than I have been in years. But afraid of what? Am I afraid of ISIS/ISIL? AQAP? Al Shabaab? Al Qaeda? Al Nusra? Lone wolf terrorists?
No. Not afraid of any of them. That does not mean I do not consider them dangerous, they are. That does not mean I do not consider them evil, they are. That does not mean that I think we ought to ease up on any of them, we should not.
What I fear is this